Friday, December 19, 2008

Picture tag....Erika & Victoria you are it! this picture was taken of Megan when she was 3 (she's now 15yrs 10mths)...I was just taking random shots of her why'll she was watching "Barney" ...look at those big eyes! We used to say she looked like a "Precious Moment"
And I have know idea how to "tag" hopefully Victoria and Erika you take a look at my blog sometime soon...'cos you guys are "it!"
Until later then...Lynnie
p.s. okay so what you have to do: go to your picture files, pick your 4th folder and the 4th picture in the cropping, no adjusting, no nothing...then you explain the picture! Have fun! :o)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas is is my Christmas letter!

So here is a recent conversation I had with my hubby Dan:

Lynn: do i have to write the Christmas letter this year? (what a whiner huh?!)

Dan: Yes!

Lynn: do i have to put the pictures on the back? (still whining)

Dan: Yes!

Lynn: why? I'm gonna spend over $100 to print them, stuff them and mail them...all that for people to throw them out!

Dan: they like to get them.

Lynn: can I just send a picture of us and write "Merry Chrismtas" on it?

Dan: no!

Lynn: staring blankly at her husband...

Dan: i'll do it then...

Lynn: forget it, I'll do it, it's fine. (control freak that i am!)

Dan: are you sure?

Lynn: yes...(smiling) - but you can lick the envelopes.

Dan: whatever Lynnie!

So there you have should be receiving our letter soon - Please at least READ it and look over the pictures, let it sit on your kitchen counter for a couple of hours, then throw it out!! (ha ha)

I truly do love this time of year!! It's my favorite!

Until later then....Lynnie

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Recently we had a 50 years of marriage celebration for my in-laws. It was so fun to celebrate this milestone with them. We had over 60 people here...some from New York and Florida came to surprise them - friendships that go back as far as elementary school. That amazes me, to still keep in touch with friends for that long. Mom & Dad started dating when they were 14 & 18. When mom turned 18 they got married. Dad surprised mom with a re-newing of their vows, it was quite emotional & so special. They have left quite a legacy for their marriage is not taken as seriously as this. Yes, they have had difficult times in their life, heartache, struggles, yet they took their vows very seriously and through "good times & bad..." they chose to stay together.
We ate, danced, laughed & listened to stories all night long - it was so great. Yet my favorite part was near the end of the night and the DJ played once again "Earth Angel" and I stood and watched as two now older lovers danced to their song, I was so touched as they seemed completely lost in their own little world, staring into each other's eyes, seeing true love & commitment on the dance floor...i felt like I was invading a moment that should have only been shared with them, however I am thrilled to have been a part of it, to have been able to watch them. They are truly an inspiration to me.

Until later then....Lynnie

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Wow! Do I feel old...

So last weekend Dan and I travelled to Toronto for a wedding. I first met Michael (the groom) when he was 6 months old, I was 14 or 15 at the time. I started babysitting him and did so till he was around 12. Two sisters came along, Jenilyn and Kristy. Two cousins, Ryan and Lauren...I changed all their diapers, rocked them all to sleep, spent weekends with them, went on vacation with them, played with them, influenced them (and oh by the way - i'm also told I made the best mac and cheese!!) and played a pretty significant role in their lives. It was Michael who started calling me "Lynnie" and from then on...that was who I was to all of them (still to this day). So we get to the wedding and I'm filled with such emotion...seeing these five kiddos, all grown up and now men and women, it's so strange. I then discover that one of the groomsmen is Jonathan. He was the very first child I ever babysat, I was 10 or 11 and I would go over and watch him (he was around 10 months or so) while his mommy did work around the house, etc. I babysat him and his 3 siblings for a long time. So there I was sitting in the hall watching "little Michael" get married and seeing all the others standing up there with him - it was the first time I have actually felt OLD. I totally believe in the African proverb: "it takes a village to raise a child." I spent a LOT of time with these kids, I watched them grow up, I like to think that I did help their parents raise their sons and daughters, that I had an influence on them. As I think back to people in my life (other than my parents)that truly made a difference, I know that the role they played in my growing up was significant. It was so great to see them and visit with them and chat with them now as adults, so surreal! One by one they will all get married and eventually have kids of their own, and just maybe when they tell their little ones that the babysitter is coming over they will be reminded of a young girl that loved them dearly and always wanted the best for them...and just maybe they will realize that they lack the knowledge of knowing how to make really great mac & cheese!! :D
p.s. the picture from left to right: Jenilyn,Jon,Mike,Me,Kristy,Ryan&Lauren

...until later then...Lynnie

Sunday, September 28, 2008


Last night Caitlyn and Megan attended their first Homecoming dance. Eight of their girlfriends came over and around 4:30 they began the looonnngggg process :) of getting ready...there were curling irons and flat irons EVERYWHERE! Make up and sparkly stuff all over the place! And of course LOTS of laughter and LOTS of noise!! All ten of them sat down around 5:30 to have dinner and then they got their dresses really is too bad that they are all SO ugly!!! ha! ha! Oh my gosh they were all so pretty! Of course I am a just a little bit bias about two certain young ladies! Dan was funny - he couldn't believe how long it takes girls to get just don't understand do they?! hee! hee! It was so fun to see them getting ready and hearing all the fun and laughter; they really do have an awesome group of girlfriends! Around 11pm they came home and told us all the funny stories from the! the two of them together, plus a few added friends...guess what? it was LOUD again!! Dan keeps telling me that it's my fault our children are so loud...i don't like to think of them as loud...but more as joyfully exhuberant and filled with passionfor the moment! They left and went to spend the night at their friend's house...peace and quiet once again resonated around our home. I am proud of these two girls, they work hard at making good decisions and they want to always do the right's not easy being a teenager these days, and I'm thankful that they have each other and that they are willing to come talk to me about life. They love each other, they love their family, they love their friends, they love Jesus...makes a mama proud.
..until later then, Lynnie

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Play Ball!

It has been a weekend of sporting events for Dan & I! Friday night started us off at the Arizona Diamond Backs game, then Saturday night the ASU Football game. Both nights we had AMAZING seats - really close to the field, like we could see the sweat on their heads!! :D I don't regularly follow both these teams - sure my boys keep me posted on ALL the stats, but I normally wouldn't be grabbing the remote and a bag of chips to watch the game! I love sports...I prefer to play them - however there is something to be said about putting on your team colors and standing amongst all the other fans!! The atmosphere is fantastic! I prefer the college games - they are not playing for money, they are playing for the love of the game! At one point last night at the ASU game, our team on the field looked up at as all and started raising their arms at us, telling us to get on our feet and cheer...of course we obeyed and one by one a sea of maroon and gold stood up, and the noise level raised a 1000 decibals! It was AWESOME! I LOVE to eat at sporting events! I dunno, a hot dog tastes way better at a baseball game, don't you think!? And so does ice cream and pretzels, and...okay, so maybe I went a little over-board, but i'll work it off at the gym Monday morning (LOL!). It was great to go out on TWO dates with Dan - in a row!! We needed the time off together, it has been a long week for both of us. Just to be together laughing, enjoying the game(s), sharing a diet coke (I know...a collective "awwwww" just sounded out), high fiving one another when a run is scored or a touchdown is made - I love it!! After the D-Backs game (which we won) they had a fireworks show...more fun! It was romantic as we sat there (okay, amongst 27,000 of our closest friends!!) snuggling in the seats in our matching game shirts watching the light show. Unfortunately ASU could literally feel the sadness in the stadium - it went from loud, enthusiastic cheering, to literally silence and heads hanging low. O well, there's always next time! For me and Dan, it was just great to get out and go play together! So if anyone else has some free tickets to send our way, please by all means we'd be happy to take them off your hands! :)

...Until later then, Lynnie

Monday, September 8, 2008


Well it is exciting around here! Our oldest daughter got engaged over the weekend! Wow! Christopher flew down from Canada, surprised Elyse and proposed! Of course she said yes! I am so excited for this next adventure in our family. Now, I feel just a little bit too young to be "mother of the bride" :)! No seriously, I am looking forward to planning the wedding with Lysee and going shopping for dresses, etc, etc. I want this to be a really fun experience - and as stressLESS as possible! So any advice out there from you seasoned wedding planners?! It is so fun to watch Elyse and Christopher and their excitement, as they plan their future together. As I see Elyse glance down and look at the sparkle in her ring, and I know & understand that skipping heart beat and joy and expectation that comes with being engaged. Smiling right now for her is pretty constant! :D We know that Christopher will take good care of her...he has looked both Dan and I in the eye and said so - as a mom, and I think more as a dad - that is important, so very important!! So, i'll keep you posted on all the let the planning begin!!

...until later then, Lynnie

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

She's on the road!!

Well! We have another driver in the house! Caitlyn turned 16 on Monday, and she sat her road test on Tuesday - and she passed!! I am so proud of her, and selfishly on those nights when I don't have milk for cereal in the morning I know she will be excited to go to the store for me - any chance to get behind the wheel by herself! She's a little disturbed that for the most part she'll have to drive what the teenagers in this house call "the loser cruiser!" But that she can actually drive on her own...I think she's okay with it, for now anyways! Way to go Caity!!

Until later then...Lynnie

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Getting ready for school

So the countdown begins! In four more sleeps my kids go back to school! Of course they all are like: "we don't want to go to school!" I guess it's "cool" to not like school when you are in Junior/Senior High! LOL! I'm excited for them to go back...sure selfishly I will enjoy the break of driving them here there and everywhere...but I also enjoy the back to routine. I have some friends who's kids are starting school for the first time - the kids are loving it, the mommies are still teary. I have found my self reminiscing (sp?) somewhat of those days...and now my youngest are entering into Junior High! No more elementary school for us! That is somewhat strange, yet really great all at the same time! No more band concerts, no more field trips, no more room mommy...we are entering into a new phase as parents...a house full of teenagers - yikes! It is weird to think that in 2 school years our oldest will be graduating from college and our next one will be entering college...2 years is not that far away, especially when I think about all that has happened in my life in 10 truly does fly by. Mmmmm...I think i'll go hug my kiddos!

well, until later then...Lynnie

Monday, July 28, 2008

Scottsdale Princess - wow! this is the Scottsdale Princess...doesn't it look beautiful? Well, trust me it is! This is where Dan took me for my romantic get-a-way! It was wonderful! We arrived around 3pm, checked in. Our room was great! We got our bathing suits on and headed down to the "South Pool" one of five. We spent the afternoon lazy around the pool. I ordered a was a tiny little glass that cost me $13!! Crazy i know...but hay! At 7pm we had dinner reservations in the Bourbon Steak House. I felt like I was on an episode of "Top Chef" every time they came over with a dish. They would explain in DETAIL what we were eating...i had to contain myself not to bust out laughing. I wanted to reply: "thank you Chef!" ;) We both had steak (you ordered your sides separately...and i will not tell you how much each cost....craaazzyy!!) My steak was honestly the best steak I have EVER eaten!! The flavor, o my gosh! My mouth is still watering. We ended our dinner with Creme Brulee - even though we were both extemely full - we will always have creme brulee if it's on the's our favorite! So we shared it, and i had a cup of wonderful italian coffee! We went back to our room and I probably could have fallen asleep I was so full, but instead, since it was only 9pm we decided to go back down to the pool - they are open 24 hours! Good deal! :o) We swam, sat in the hot tub and eventually made our way back to our room. We slept in till almost 10 o'clock the next morning! The beds were super comfy and the pillows!! wow! they were amazing!!! We had coffee in bed while watching the news, then finally after a couple of cups we got up and got ourselves ready to leave. We decided not to eat at the hotel (we spent enough the night before!), but left around noon and went out for brunch. It was so great to get away even for 24 hours! I highly recommend it! We could never afford this hotel during regular season - see there are benefits to living in a crazy hot state!! They reduce the prices during the summer! So it was wonderful to go and experience this kind of luxury.
So back to normal this week...need to buy school supplies, first day of school outfits, paper lunch bags...etc, etc! School starts next Wednesday. Wow! Where has the summer gone? Our little jaunt away was a nice way to end my already full summer. Well, i'm off to the gym - gotta go work off my Saturday night you think it's too late? LOL
well, until later then...Lynnie

Saturday, July 26, 2008

A Surprise Trip!

So this morning I woke up at's Saturday! A day I could sleep in...but no! Anyways, in my bathroom was a card, and in the card was a note. My note told me to pack for a night and a day...and at 2:30 I will be leaving. I was so excited! So worth not sleeping in for! I found out that Dan and I are going to have a little get-away. We're staying at the Scottsdale Princess. Five star, sounds beautiful and i cannot wait for 2:30 to get here! I love how spontaneous Dan can be! I am truly grateful for this man, for his love and commitment to me and our marriage. We need this time away - so often we as parents can put ourselves on the back burner...our kids need us, we recognize that...however, one day those kids (all six of them!) are going to pack up and move out, and where will Dan and I be? In our 2-seater heading for "who cares!!" ha! ha! No really - I hope and pray we're still surprising one another with surprise outings and little notes and gifts along the way. I am blessed. And hay...who am I kidding - I seriously hope we have that 2-seater!!
Until later then...Lynnie

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Today I attended the funeral of my friend's father. I only met Scott one time...i went to support my friend. It is always sort of weird to say "the funeral was amazing." But it truly was. It was a wonderful tribute to a man who left an incredible legacy for his children and grand-children. I was moved with every aspect of the day...from the words spoken, to the graveside, to talking to my friend about how I seemed to have a better understanding of her dad & the kind of man he was. I walked through many different emotions also...thinking of Betty (Scott's wife) and their girls, and their husbands & kids, to thinking of my husband and my kids, thinking about my dad in particular. I thought of myself too, and realized that I too want to leave a legacy for my children and my grandchildren...a legacy of faith, of love, of joy. In the end it truly won't matter what trophies or achievements. It will simply matter how I lived my life, and did I impact anyone with it, and is Jesus happy with the way I lead it?
I am thankful today for Scott Kemp's life...although a simple handshake and a hello is all I knew of him, he even in his death has taught me something about myself and the way I want to live my life.

In the baby lies the future of the world. Mother must hold the baby close so that the baby knows it is his world but the father must take him to the highest hill so that he can see what his world is like. - Mayan Indian Proverb

Until later then...Lynn

Monday, July 14, 2008

Monday, July 14, 2008

I received this email today, and I love what Roy Lessin (author) says...let me share with you:

"Just think, you are not here by chance, but by God's choosing. His hand formed you and made you the person you are. He compares you to no one else - you are one of a kind. You lack nothing that His grace can't give you. He has allowed you to be here at this time in history to fulfill His special purpose for this generation."

This gives me new purpose today...what about you?

well, until later then...Lynnie

Sunday, July 13, 2008

July 13, 2008

Well, this is my first attemp at "blogging!" It's late and I just returned from vacation in Canada last night, so I am experiencing some jet lag, so this will probably be short. I'm known for giving way too many maybe i'm kidding myself saying "this will be short!" I just spent three weeks away in Ontario with my family. It was great to get away and enjoy the lake and be with family & friends. I am so grateful for the people in my life...for all the experiences I have had with them. The good times, the rough times, the in-between times. I come away from my vacation counting my blessings and being truly grateful for all that life has thrown at me, and the people that have ventured alongside of me. I am enjoying this journey...although at times difficult, I am growing & changing and trying hard to become who the Creator wants me to be. I continue to look upwards and cling to the robes of the One who is pruning me!
Well, like I said it's, until later then. Lynnie