Sunday, September 28, 2008


Last night Caitlyn and Megan attended their first Homecoming dance. Eight of their girlfriends came over and around 4:30 they began the looonnngggg process :) of getting ready...there were curling irons and flat irons EVERYWHERE! Make up and sparkly stuff all over the place! And of course LOTS of laughter and LOTS of noise!! All ten of them sat down around 5:30 to have dinner and then they got their dresses really is too bad that they are all SO ugly!!! ha! ha! Oh my gosh they were all so pretty! Of course I am a just a little bit bias about two certain young ladies! Dan was funny - he couldn't believe how long it takes girls to get just don't understand do they?! hee! hee! It was so fun to see them getting ready and hearing all the fun and laughter; they really do have an awesome group of girlfriends! Around 11pm they came home and told us all the funny stories from the! the two of them together, plus a few added friends...guess what? it was LOUD again!! Dan keeps telling me that it's my fault our children are so loud...i don't like to think of them as loud...but more as joyfully exhuberant and filled with passionfor the moment! They left and went to spend the night at their friend's house...peace and quiet once again resonated around our home. I am proud of these two girls, they work hard at making good decisions and they want to always do the right's not easy being a teenager these days, and I'm thankful that they have each other and that they are willing to come talk to me about life. They love each other, they love their family, they love their friends, they love Jesus...makes a mama proud.
..until later then, Lynnie

1 comment:

AZDonna said...

What lovely girls, Lynnie!