Friday, December 19, 2008

Picture tag....Erika & Victoria you are it! this picture was taken of Megan when she was 3 (she's now 15yrs 10mths)...I was just taking random shots of her why'll she was watching "Barney" ...look at those big eyes! We used to say she looked like a "Precious Moment"
And I have know idea how to "tag" hopefully Victoria and Erika you take a look at my blog sometime soon...'cos you guys are "it!"
Until later then...Lynnie
p.s. okay so what you have to do: go to your picture files, pick your 4th folder and the 4th picture in the cropping, no adjusting, no nothing...then you explain the picture! Have fun! :o)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas is is my Christmas letter!

So here is a recent conversation I had with my hubby Dan:

Lynn: do i have to write the Christmas letter this year? (what a whiner huh?!)

Dan: Yes!

Lynn: do i have to put the pictures on the back? (still whining)

Dan: Yes!

Lynn: why? I'm gonna spend over $100 to print them, stuff them and mail them...all that for people to throw them out!

Dan: they like to get them.

Lynn: can I just send a picture of us and write "Merry Chrismtas" on it?

Dan: no!

Lynn: staring blankly at her husband...

Dan: i'll do it then...

Lynn: forget it, I'll do it, it's fine. (control freak that i am!)

Dan: are you sure?

Lynn: yes...(smiling) - but you can lick the envelopes.

Dan: whatever Lynnie!

So there you have should be receiving our letter soon - Please at least READ it and look over the pictures, let it sit on your kitchen counter for a couple of hours, then throw it out!! (ha ha)

I truly do love this time of year!! It's my favorite!

Until later then....Lynnie