Well...my little tiny 4lb 12 oz little preemie turned 16 yesterday! Where has the time gone? I am so proud of the young woman she is growing into. She is full of fun and joy, lots of stories and a song and a dance thrown in there too! Her love for God and her desire to grow in her relationship with Jesus is incredible! She once told me that she wished she could go to church every day!!! What sixteen year old says that? She brings lots of energy into our household and although at times she thinks she is a Princess (LOL) - I am so grateful for the character that she is developing and the way that she takes life head on and meets her challenges and uses all circumstances to grow her and make her stronger. Her life verse is Jeremiah 29:11 and I pray that she will cling to that promise as she goes throughout her journey. She has been a fighter since the day she was born...even on Valentine's Day 1993 when we were told she may not make it through the night...well - she fought and here she is 16, getting ready to drive and looking to her future. I love this picture i posted of her...this captures her essense - she loves to make people smile, I smile when i look at this picture! :D
Megan, I love you so much! I am proud of you and honored to call you my daughter. You make my heart swell with pride. You are a joy!I thank God for you and for giving me such a sweet blessing. Happy sweet sixteen!
...until later then...Lynnie
1 comment:
Happy Birthday, Megan!
Love, The Mangrums
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