Today I attended the funeral of my friend's father. I only met Scott one time...i went to support my friend. It is always sort of weird to say "the funeral was amazing." But it truly was. It was a wonderful tribute to a man who left an incredible legacy for his children and grand-children. I was moved with every aspect of the day...from the words spoken, to the graveside, to talking to my friend about how I seemed to have a better understanding of her dad & the kind of man he was. I walked through many different emotions also...thinking of Betty (Scott's wife) and their girls, and their husbands & kids, to thinking of my husband and my kids, thinking about my dad in particular. I thought of myself too, and realized that I too want to leave a legacy for my children and my grandchildren...a legacy of faith, of love, of joy. In the end it truly won't matter what trophies or achievements. It will simply matter how I lived my life, and did I impact anyone with it, and is Jesus happy with the way I lead it?
I am thankful today for Scott Kemp's life...although a simple handshake and a hello is all I knew of him, he even in his death has taught me something about myself and the way I want to live my life.
In the baby lies the future of the world. Mother must hold the baby close so that the baby knows it is his world but the father must take him to the highest hill so that he can see what his world is like. - Mayan Indian Proverb
Until later then...Lynn
Year in Review 2024
4 weeks ago
Hi Lynn,
Why is it that for the most of us it seems to take a death and funeral to get us thinking about our lives and what kind of legacy we will leave? At my age I seem to go to more funerals than I do weddings. When I do attend a funeral I wonder what people will say about me. I can only pray that when our Lord does take me home that "I will be found faithful".
I find myself thinking more and more about Heaven and if it is anything like what we read about it "then bring it on".
On the other hand my human side would say "just a little longer please Jesus"
With God's help when He takes me 'HOME' I won't have to say "I wish I had given Him More"
Love you,
AMD (Dad)xx
2Corinthians 4:16-18.
Thank you, Lynn. I am one very blessed girl.
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