Okay...so this is the Scottsdale Princess...doesn't it look beautiful? Well, trust me it is! This is where Dan took me for my romantic get-a-way! It was wonderful! We arrived around 3pm, checked in. Our room was great! We got our bathing suits on and headed down to the "South Pool" one of five. We spent the afternoon lazy around the pool. I ordered a mojito...it was a tiny little glass that cost me $13!! Crazy i know...but hay! At 7pm we had dinner reservations in the Bourbon Steak House. I felt like I was on an episode of "Top Chef" every time they came over with a dish. They would explain in DETAIL what we were eating...i had to contain myself not to bust out laughing. I wanted to reply: "thank you Chef!" ;) We both had steak (you ordered your sides separately...and i will not tell you how much each cost....craaazzyy!!) My steak was honestly the best steak I have EVER eaten!! The flavor, o my gosh! My mouth is still watering. We ended our dinner with Creme Brulee - even though we were both extemely full - we will always have creme brulee if it's on the menu...it's our favorite! So we shared it, and i had a cup of wonderful italian coffee! We went back to our room and I probably could have fallen asleep I was so full, but instead, since it was only 9pm we decided to go back down to the pool - they are open 24 hours! Good deal! :o) We swam, sat in the hot tub and eventually made our way back to our room. We slept in till almost 10 o'clock the next morning! The beds were super comfy and the pillows!! wow! they were amazing!!! We had coffee in bed while watching the news, then finally after a couple of cups we got up and got ourselves ready to leave. We decided not to eat at the hotel (we spent enough the night before!), but left around noon and went out for brunch. It was so great to get away even for 24 hours! I highly recommend it! We could never afford this hotel during regular season - see there are benefits to living in a crazy hot state!! They reduce the prices during the summer! So it was wonderful to go and experience this kind of luxury.
So back to normal this week...need to buy school supplies, first day of school outfits, paper lunch bags...etc, etc! School starts next Wednesday. Wow! Where has the summer gone? Our little jaunt away was a nice way to end my already full summer. Well, i'm off to the gym - gotta go work off my Saturday night dinner...do you think it's too late? LOL
well, until later then...Lynnie