So last weekend Dan and I travelled to Toronto for a wedding. I first met Michael (the groom) when he was 6 months old, I was 14 or 15 at the time. I started babysitting him and did so till he was around 12. Two sisters came along, Jenilyn and Kristy. Two cousins, Ryan and Lauren...I changed all their diapers, rocked them all to sleep, spent weekends with them, went on vacation with them, played with them, influenced them (and oh by the way - i'm also told I made the best mac and cheese!!) and played a pretty significant role in their lives. It was Michael who started calling me "Lynnie" and from then on...that was who I was to all of them (still to this day). So we get to the wedding and I'm filled with such emotion...seeing these five kiddos, all grown up and now men and women, it's so strange. I then discover that one of the groomsmen is Jonathan. He was the very first child I ever babysat, I was 10 or 11 and I would go over and watch him (he was around 10 months or so) while his mommy did work around the house, etc. I babysat him and his 3 siblings for a long time. So there I was sitting in the hall watching "little Michael" get married and seeing all the others standing up there with him - it was the first time I have actually felt OLD. I totally believe in the African proverb: "it takes a village to raise a child." I spent a LOT of time with these kids, I watched them grow up, I like to think that I did help their parents raise their sons and daughters, that I had an influence on them. As I think back to people in my life (other than my parents)that truly made a difference, I know that the role they played in my growing up was significant. It was so great to see them and visit with them and chat with them now as adults, so surreal! One by one they will all get married and eventually have kids of their own, and just maybe when they tell their little ones that the babysitter is coming over they will be reminded of a young girl that loved them dearly and always wanted the best for them...and just maybe they will realize that they lack the knowledge of knowing how to make really great mac & cheese!! :D
p.s. the picture from left to right: Jenilyn,Jon,Mike,Me,Kristy,Ryan&Lauren
...until later then...Lynnie