Alright...I know I know..it has been waaaayyyy long since I blogged. I guess I thought i would be better at this. I mean I really have been a journaler (is that a word?) since I was about 12 years old. How hard would it be to blog? I mean I love to chat...share stories about my family, myself....I guess to be honest I think, "is this is necessary" "does anyone care?" Then I began to think that what if I wasn't doing it for anyone, but myself. Or at least for my children years from now. That's what made me decide to start up again. I can't promise you i'm going to be much better at it...but I will promise you (I will promise myself) that I will at least give it great effort.
So much has happened since my last entry on February 11, 2009!!! (yikes!) Elyse married Christopher. Family came to visit. Rocky Point was vacationed in. Our youngest pair turned 13. Christmas memories. Megan found a boy. Proms have come and gone. Caitlyn will graduate in 22 days. Tyler will be 15 in 18 days. Ben & Natalie will promote out of Junior High. whew! I have a full household of teenagers! Estrogen and Progesterone are two super duper hormones that fling around my home consistently! When I go to bible study, or get together with girlfriends, they ask: "how can I be praying for you?" I simply say..."i have FIVE teenagers." Enough said. A knowing nod, a sympathetic smile, a little bit of a laugh escapes, and then a "God bless you!" :)
So, today begins a new chapter for me. A new blogging chapter. Hopefully those who were following me, have not given up completely! I will post some pictures of the events that have been going on!
Until later then,